Thursday, March 20, 2008

On the Eve of R&R, Year 2

What we're saying:
'tatch = attached (as in "My hair's attached to my head!")
'syo = Vsyo, or "that's all" in Russian
No mo' = no more
bikk = book -- lots of books and pointing to what we know these days
Wah-nioh! = "oignon!" (repeated with Daddy many times in silly-exaggerated-French-voice as we were preparing French onion soup last week)
Tay-tay = Sanchez
Agga = Edgar

What words we're practicing in yoga class:

грудина = breastbone, sternum
подбородок = chin
(As in, "Это подбородок. Грудина вверх." / "That's your chin. Lift your breastbone.")
копчик = coccyx
втягивать = draw or pull in
(As in "втягивайте копчик.")
поясница = small of the back
крестец = sacrum
пах = groin
лобок = pubic bone
голень = shin
ягодицы = buttocks
талия = waist
грудиная клетка = thorax
сустав = joint
таз = pelvis
бёдро = thigh
тазобедренные суставы = hip joints
стопы = feet
мячик стопы = ball of the foot
плюсна = metatarsus
колено = knee
чашка колена = kneecap
позвоночник = spine
позвоночный столб = spinal column
вытягивать = extend, stretch
(As in "вытягивайте позвоночник.")
лопатка = shoulder blade
пятка = heel
локоть = elbow
плечо = shoulder (as in, "плечи назад и вниз" / "press your shoulders back and downward.")
ладонь = palm of hand
лодыжка = ankle
ступня = sole of foot

What we're listening to:
The Diggs, Commute (and waiting for their new album to drop in Vlad via dip pouch)
Vyacheslav Butusov, "Pesnia idushchego domoi" (one of the few things I hear on Russian radio that I like)
Kim Wilde, "Kids in America" (another pleasant surprise heard on Russian radio recently)

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